Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Take Time for Tea

Tea and time have a lot in common, and I mean more than just the fact that they both share the same starting letter. But that in order for you to really enjoy tea, you also need to take time. Tea is more than just a drink to be had. It is something that should be enjoyed and thoroughly loved. It’s a process. It’s an art.

Take a moment to really examine your tealeaves; they come in a variety of shape. The amount of care that was put into the tealeaves is incredible. For the most part, tealeaves are hand picked and hand rolled. Doing this is a form of art created by the most delicate hands.

The next time you pour hot water onto your tealeaves, don’t get impatient waiting for you tea to steep. Watch as the tealeaves begin to unfold and move about. This is a necessary process so that the flavors and the nutrients of the tea are released into the water. The perfect amount of time for steeping must be considered depending on the type of tea you are drinking, and also your personal preference. Perhaps you enjoy your tea more bitter than most.

Take a long amount of time to enjoy your tea. Sip it. Take in the aroma and watch the steam rise from your cup. You wouldn’t gulp down a cup of tea the way you would a cup of water, now would you?

Unfortunately, speeding through life has become such a prevalence amongst people now. Everyone wants to do things as quickly as possible. We want to rush from point A to point B. We get our food from fast food restaurants because we won’t have to wait.  Our new fast paced lives are not allowing for us to really enjoy our time the way people used to before we were surrounded by all different kinds of technology.

Living a life like this can really put a stress on us. We may find that this way of life is truly putting a psychological toll on us. Tea is a great way to take a moment and slow down. Enjoy yourself and turn your brain off from overdrive. Enjoy a cup of tea. 

Nothing can help you truly enjoy a cup of tea the way a great kettle will. Follow this link for some recommendations on the best electric tea kettle.

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